Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Sunday, May 30, 2010

34 Weeks

Last weekend Ryan and I headed down to the island for a nice day at the beach. Thankfully it wasn't too hot, there was a nice breeze and the water was still refreshing.  Bit too much seaweed for my liking but it was bearable.  We also took a new photo of the belly.  Feels like I can't get any bigger.  Some of the maternity tops are getting quite tight &/or too short to cover me.  Still feeling good though.  Bit more tired, swollen and dealing with more heartburn- but wont complain as things seem to be progressing normally.  June 7th we go in for our 36 week ultrasound.  I'll post the last in utero photos of baby Nelson.  Ryan will be leaving after that for 3 weeks of golf tournaments that take him to Louisiana, so my Dad is coming to stay with me until the baby arrives for that 'just in case' moment.  Makes me feel a bit more at ease to have family around . 
I also realized that next weekend will likely be Ryan and I's last weekend together, without family and without baby!  Feels a bit surreal.  I need to come up with something fun/romantic/memorable for us to do, of course on a little budget and with little planning.  Any suggestions?


  1. YOU LOOK GREAT! Yay, thanks for posting a pic of that beautiful belly. Just when you THINK you can't get any do. LOL. No stretch marks yet either!

    Romantic getaway suggestion? Hmm. Not sure if I can think of one since our 9th anniversary was recently spent at home with a VERY feverish baby boy. The joys of parenthood. Which actually, is the REASON you truly must mark the momentus FINAL weekend of you and Ryan as a family of two. Do things you won't be able to do so effortless when you have a baby. Such as, go to a movie, go on a bunch of errands one right after the other (and not hassle with the carseat hussle), sleep in late (if your heartburn will allow), eat a quiet LONG leisurly meal without interruption. Or, just gaze at your doting husband and make a memory of your last time together before your world turns upside down in the most phenomenal and amazing way!! :) Love ya!

  2. WOW! Look at that belly! ha, love it. Oh and Dad and I hope you are really considering Jocky-Hairy for a baby name, we will compromise for it as a middle name if need be. hahaa. :) See you and baby in July!!!
