Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers


Saturday, May 8, 2010

32 Weeks

So I realized that I never really put a belly photo up since my 25th week.  Below are Angela and I at my shower.  I'm at about 28 weeks and Ang is about 6 weeks behind me.

Now here I am at 32 weeks.  Just had another checkup this week and everything looks good.  Gained 20 pounds now and beginning to grow out of some of my maternity shirts.  I'm feeling good overall, but being that I am sitting at my desk writing so much I have been getting uncomfortable pains up in my ribs.  I really need to quit slouching! 

This past weekend we went and bought a glider/rocking chair.  Its very comfortable and I cant wait to put it to good use.


  1. You look great Michelle!! You are making this pregnancy thing look far too easy. I can't believe you are getting so close. Hazel saw the picture of your glider and said she wants to go to your house and see your baby. Oh, yes, she knows you have a baby in your tummy and doesn't just think you have had a bit too much to eat! :) Love to you!

  2. Tell Hazel she is welcome anytime to come visit!

  3. so cool seeing you to in a photo again!

  4. You look so good. keep it up. Dad and I have been going over the pictures of thecradles. Likely Dad will be there a little sooner, as he will leave redmond on June 4, and then start driving on the 6th from phx. Take care and say Hi to Ryan. Mom

  5. Congrats Michelle & Ryan...and ???
    Name: ( ) Please...
    We have all waited like good people DO
    HONESTLY, now what is HIS (Liz thought boy Nelson all along)
    PICTURES TOO of new hairy baby Nelson with his wonderful Mommy & Daddy!!
    Thank YOU.
    Good Job
